
All massages starts with posture analysis, correction, breathing focus and aura sprays


Aromatherapy Massage

 Essential oils will be specifically selected and blended to alter your mood, heal a condition or create a general sense of well being
Back, neck and shoulder £
Face, neck and shoulder£
Full body massage £
#Healing the pure and natural way

Swedish Massage

Designed to invigorate, increase circulation and stimulate the energy levels
Back, neck and shoulder £
Face, neck and shoulder £
Full body massage £

#invigorate yourself

Halo Meditation Massage

Massage with guided meditation for those who find it difficult to turn off, need to de-clutter their thoughts or struggle with general relaxation. This focuses the mind to aid with the massage
Back, neck and shoulder £
Face, neck and shoulder £
#Namaste and Peace 

Hot Stone Massage

Hot Bassat dark stones are used to fill the muscles with heat so that you the client goes into  a state of relaxation facilitating a deeper massage
Back,neck and shoulder £
Full Body £
#Ultimate luxury and pampering gift

Rungu South African Draining Massage

A wooden baton is used to drain excess fluid from the muscles, great for the sporty ones
Back,neck and shoulder £
Legs and feet £
#Ultimate Outdoors

Soya Warm Candle Massage

A soya candle is heated to room temp and then gently poured on the area. 
A nourishing and nurturing treatment
Back,neck and shoulder (including candle) £

#Feeding the skin and loving the soul

Crystal Healing Massage Including Sound Therapy and Aroma Essence

Gem stones and crystals are used to balance the chakras, clear the aura and bring balance to the inner being.
3 forms of sound are used to cleanse and clear with the focus on pitch to revitalise.
Back, neck and shoulder £
Face, neck and shoulder £
Full Body Massage £
#Not for the faint-hearted a journey to the soul is a real adventure.

© Copyright Soulstar 2021